Entries by CONTINEST

The Canadian partner company of Continest Technologies Plc. and Innocorps-led Consortium called Circular City Triumph in DND/IDEaS Pop-Up City

PRESS RELEASE Toronto, November 21, 2023 The Canadian Department of National Defence’s (DND) Innovation for Defence Excellence and Security (IDEaS) program invited innovators to propose and develop solutions that provide integrated energy, water and waste management systems for the CAF’s Relocatable Temporary Camps (RTCs), which are installed during national and international operations.   Circular City […]

A Continest Technologies Zrt. kanadai partnercége és az Innocorps által vezetett Circular City konzorcium nyerte el a kanadai Pop-Up City verseny 2 millió dolláros fődíját

SAJTÓKÖZLEMÉNY Toronto, Budapest, 2023. november 21. A Kanadai Védelmi Minisztérium (DND) Védelmi és Biztonsági Innovációs Programja (IDEaS) pályázatot írt ki olyan megoldások fejlesztésére, amelyek integrált energia-, víz- és hulladékgazdálkodási rendszereket biztosítanak a kanadai hadsereg országon belüli vagy akár nemzetközi terepen kialakítandó ideiglenes táborai számára (RTC).   A nyertes pályázó Circular City konzorcium azzal a céllal […]

Continest at Taste of Transylvania 2023: A recipe for success!

Nestled in a picturesque valley of the East Carpathian Mountains, surrounded by tall pine tree covered hills, lies the quiet village of Borospataka, where gastronomy enthusiasts reunited for the second annual Taste of Transylvania in September. Continest was also there, with family, friends, and its unique foldable container solutions. The Taste of Transylvania food festival […]

Pop-up homes to create new village for displaced Maui wildfire victims

LONG BEACH, Calif. (KABC) — A nonprofit is helping victims of the devastating wildfires in Maui by providing pop-up housing. Family Life Center is providing modular steel homes to victims of the fire. The pop-up steel homes were built in Hungary and then shipped to Long Beach before eventually reaching Maui. https://abc7.com/maui-wildfires-pop-up-homes-ohana-hope-village-family-life-center/13890298/

Egy magyar cég konténerházakkal segíti Mauin az erdőtüzek áldozatait

Egy természeti katasztrófa kapcsán ugyan sok jó dolog nem hozható fel, mégis öröm az ürömben, hogy a Mauin pusztító tűzvészt követően egy magyar cég konténereinek köszönhetően hamarosan 250, házát elveszítő vagy elhagyni kényszerülő család találhat új, ideiglenes otthonra. A konténereket készítő és a szigetre szállíttató, a tűzvész helyszínén is segítő Kis-Márton Vidor, a Continest Technologies […]

Onwards & upwards!

Just a few months ago, our first foldable units arrived to the United States, and Continest’s 20-foot modular buildings have already successfully participated in two prestigious sporting events – The Ocean Race and Formula E. Celebrating its 50th anniversary, The Ocean Race is a global climate-positive sporting event as well as the toughest sailing race […]

Our Continest units will once again be on site at the biggest Scandinavian festivals

Our Norwegian partner, MyLift, recently delivered 90 modular Continest units to the 30th Sweden Rock festival in Sölvesborg, Sweden. The Continest containers will support the infrastructure of the event as temporary accommodation, offices, and backstage rooms. The 4-day event is one of Scandinavia’s biggest rock festivals and is run by Live Nation. The festival features […]